Veterinary jobs shared daily with our network of 347,000+ veterinary professionals…

347,000+ Social Media Connections347,000+ Social Media Connections

Every day we reach and connect with our Network across Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and yes, even TikTok, sharing our Job Campaigns locally, regionally, and globally.

83,000+ Opt-in Email Members83,000+ Opt-in Email Members

Our weekly email delivers the latest Veterinary News and Views, plus the most relevant Veterinary Jobs to veterinarians, nurses, technicians, and more using our A.I.-assisted targeting.

1,100+ Applications

Every month we match over 1,100 of the best veterinarians, nurses, technicians, and more with the needs of veterinary clinics, hospitals, and emergency centers worldwide.

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Need help writing your Job Campaign text?

Whether you have a large, growing Veterinary organisation that is on a hiring blitz or you have a tight knit, stable team that unexpectedly has an opening, when the time eventually comes around to having to write compelling Ad copy and text, just about everyone can draw a blank...except us...which is why we also offer our Job Campaign Copy Writing Service.

  • Just to advise you that the ECC position at...has been filled, are we able to have this advert removed early? Thank you for your assistance, I will definitely use your service again...
    Emma C
    Emergency and Critical Care GM
  • The site is really easy to browse for jobs and creating a Job Alert was very straightforward. I already received a notification for three potential jobs.
    Drew W
    Job Seeker
  • The team at Vet and Pet Jobs have been exceptional to deal with, the site is easy to use and we have been pleasantly surprised with not just the volume, but also the quality of candidates.
    Paula D
    Chief Veterinary Officer


🏃 Are You Making Candidates Jump Too Many Hurdles?

Let’s be honest – finding exceptional veterinary talent feels a bit like trying to catch lightning in a bottle these days, doesn’t it? With practices everywhere competing for the same pool of qualified professionals, even small missteps in your hiring process could mean watching that perfect candidate slip away to another clinic. But before you start wondering if you’ll ever fill that crucial position on your team, take a deep breath – we’ve identified the most common hiring pitfalls that might be holding you back.

After working with thousands of veterinary practices and analyzing successful hiring strategies across the industry, we’ve pinpointed exactly where many recruitment efforts go wrong – and more importantly, how to fix them. Whether you’re struggling with a current vacancy or planning ahead for future growth, we’re about to show you how to transform your hiring process from frustrating to fantastic. Ready to stop accidentally sabotaging your recruitment efforts and start attracting the top-tier talent your practice deserves? Let’s dive in…

💰 Salary Chat Time? 7 Steps for Success

Talking about salary negotiations often feels intimidating, especially for those of us who ventured into veterinary medicine driven by compassion rather than numbers. Yet fair compensation plays a key part in creating a supportive atmosphere for everyone—clinicians, clients, and the practice as a whole. When both sides benefit, a healthier dynamic emerges, where professional growth and patient care go hand in hand.

In this article, we’ll guide you through a straightforward, well-prepared approach that makes discussing pay far less daunting than you might think. By following the steps outlined here, you’ll learn to present your value in a way that resonates with your employer, ensuring that both your career goals and the practice’s success remain at the forefront. It’s a conversation that can open doors for everyone involved, and especially when you have these steps to follow…

🐾 Paws + Pixels – Implementing Ethical AI in Veterinary Care

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is poised to reshape veterinary care, bringing both exciting possibilities and important questions to the field. While you may not have encountered AI directly in your daily practice yet, its influence on animal healthcare is growing rapidly. From analyzing medical records to enhancing diagnostics, AI is becoming an increasingly valuable tool in veterinary medicine.

This technology offers the potential for more accurate diagnoses, personalized treatments, and improved patient monitoring. However, it also raises concerns about data privacy and the balance between technological advancement and the irreplaceable human touch in veterinary care.

AI is transforming various aspects of veterinary medicine, impacting different roles within the field, and shaping the future of animal health. The changing landscape of veterinary care could significantly affect you and your patients, making it crucial to understand these developments and their implications…

Why Choose Veterinary Jobs Marketplace?

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics in the USA and similar bodies in Canada, the UK, Europe, Australia, New Zealand and throughout Asia, opportunities for Veterinarians are set to climb by at least 19 percent through 2026, while roles for Veterinary Nurses and Veterinary Technicians will increase by over 20 percent in that same time frame.

Searching generic job boards that show all types of jobs can be a daunting and painful ordeal when all you want is the best Veterinary Jobs all in one place. Hours spent clicking through job sites trying to find that dream veterinary job is frustrating and can be down right painful.

That is why we created Veterinary Jobs Marketplace. We wanted to eliminate the need to jump from job site to job site to find the best veterinary career opportunities working as a Veterinarian, Veterinary Nurse, Veterinary Technician, Vet Associate, Vet Practice Manager or Pet Care and Animal Care professional.

About Veterinary Jobs Marketplace…

We connect veterinary talent with the best veterinary jobs. Explore our Job Campaigns for GP Veterinarians, Emergency Vets, Veterinary Nurses, Technicians, and more, each enriched with video insights. Find new team members using our unique Reach, Frequency, and Story strategy, now including One-to-One Outreach.

For Job Seekers: Discover your ideal veterinary jobs in cities across the USA and Canada. Register for custom Job Alerts, bringing the latest opportunities directly to your Inbox.

For Employers: Register to reach skilled veterinary professionals for your practice. From GP Veterinarians to Emergency Vets, our Job Campaigns help you find the perfect team members.

Worldwide Audience: Expand your reach internationally to the UK, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and Asia. Our global reach will connect you to our global veterinary community.